Below is some update information from Fantom Foundation regarding matters related to Multichain.

06 Aug 2023, 15:54
Below is some update information from Fantom Foundation regarding matters related to Multichain. Still no more info from Kunming. Waiting to hear back from Chinese lawyers on this. But as I mentioned before ZJ was detained. We've sent a number of legal letters out to exchanges to make sure funds there are frozen. They may already be frozen, but we want to make sure. We've been in contact with the various exchanges and circle platform where funds were sent from Multichain suspicious addresses. There are investigations ongoing outside of China. In order to make claims, you as an individual have to take action, or the foundation / another entity can do so with your permission. We would like to begin gathering names from affected parties. We would appreciate it if you could email stating your name and how much you lost. Unfortunately, it may not be possible to make a claim as anon. Anything you email us we will keep confidential.